SR. No | Criteria | Limit/Specification | Our Results |
1 | Appearance | Reddish-Brown Powder, Hygroscopic | Reddish-Brown Powder, Hygroscopic |
2 | Solubility | Must Pass Test | Passes Test |
3 | Identification | Must Comply Identification Test A to C – As per BP. | Passes Identification Test A to C – As per BP. |
4 | pH | Limit: 4.5 TO 7.5 | Passes Test |
5 | COMPOSITION i)First Principal Peak ii) Second Principal Peak iii) Any other Peak vi) Disregard Limit |
30%-40% 50%-60% Max. 6.0% 0.5% |
i) 30 -35% ii) 53 -58% iii) 2.0 -4.0% iv) 0.1 -0.3% |
6 | Heavy Metals | NMT 40 PPM | 25–30 PPM |
7 | Sulphated Ash Test | NMT 3.5% | 2.0 -2.6% |
8 | Water | NMT 10% | 3.0 – 5.0% |
9 | ASSAY (Anhydrous Subs.& as % of C14H14N3Cl) | MINIMUM 95.0% TO 105.0% MAXIMUM | 98.0 -99.7% |