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Home » APIs » Methylene Blue BP 1973

GMP & ISO Certified Manufacturer of high quality Methylene Blue BP 1973.
Macsen Laboratories, world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of Methylene Blue BP 1973.
Name of Product Methylene Blue BP 1973
Pharmacopoeial Name Methylene Blue BP 1973
Synonyms Methylene Blue ; Basic Blue 9 ; C.I 52015 ; Methylene Blue Trihydrate
CAS No 122965-43-9
WC ✓


SR. No Criteria Limit/Specification Our Results
1 Appearance Dark Blue Crystalline Powder with a Copper- colored Sheen, or Green Crystals with a bronze-colored sheen. Dark Green Crystals with a bronze-colored sheen.
2 Solubility Must Pass Test Passes Test
3 Identification Must Pass A to D Tests Of B.P Passes Tests Of B.P
4 Loss On Drying (At 75ËšC) Limit: IN BETWEEN 8.0%-22.0% 8.0 - 13.5 %
5 Sulphated Ash Test NMT 0.25% <0.1 %
6 Related Substances Impurity A (Limit: Max.5.0%)
Any other Impurity
(Limit: Max.0.5%)
Sum Of impurity Other then A (Limit: Max. 1.0%)
Disregard Limit: Limit (0.1%)
2.5 – 4.0 %
a) Not Detected
b) Not Detected
c) 0 %
7 Heavy Metals Must Comply as per BP Complies with BP
8 Assay (With Reference To Subs.
Dried At 105ËšC & As % Of (C 16H 18N 3ClS).H 2O
MINIMUM 95.0% TO 101.0% MAXIMUM 98.0 – 100.0 %
Buy the best quality Methylene Blue BP 1973 Use for topical antiseptic, urinary tract Antiseptic, antidote injection for methaemoglobinemia & cynide poisining from Macsen Laboratories.
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    Resources on Methylene Blue

    Methylene Blue | Chemistry, Uses & Side effects

    Methylene blue for treating Methemoglobinemia

    Methylene Blue & Covid-19 – Research So Far

    Staining with Methylene Blue | Different uses and examples

    Methylene Blue’s uses in Fish Aquaculture

    Methylene Blue Against Cyanide Poisoning

    Methylene Blue Injection: Indications, Dosage & Brands

    Methylene Blue in the treatment of Alzheimer’s

    Malaria Treatment with Methylene Blue

    Pharmaceutical NIR dyes for In Vivo Imaging

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